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Hello :-)

I am trying to compile luasocket on Windows in a
msys/mingw environment.

Of course I could take the binaries, but I prefer to
compile it myself and learn from it ; I will need to
compile Lua extensions on Windows anyway so
why not starting with this one!!!

The first problem I had was to prevent the makefile
from building "usocket.c", and to use "wsocket.c"
instead. Is there a compilation flag I missed ? I set
_WIN32 but it seems it's not enough.

My second problem comes from my lack of knowledge
of msys/mingw and Windows : I get a lot of "undefined
reference" messages from the linker on Windows-specific
library calls. Which DLL should I link luasocket with ?

Did someone already try the same ?
I would be glad to receive some advices on compiling
luasocket on msys/mingw on Windows.

Thanks in advance,