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Matt Campbell escreveu:
> It seems to me that C is not the best implementation language for most
> of the module system.  Sure, loadlib needs to be written in C, but the
> rest can be done in Lua, and I think it should be.  After all,
> Compat-5.1 is written mostly in Lua.  For that matter, perhaps
> Compat-5.1 itself should have been incorporated into Lua as the standard
> module system.
> So why is the standard Lua module system written entirely in C?  Is it
> because the Lua developers didn't want to include something like bin2c
> in the Lua build process?  If so, I think it's more important to use a
> succinct language wherever possible.  Or is there a deeper problem with
> writing parts of the Lua standard library in Lua itself?

     I believe it's more of a bootstrapping problem. The way it is, the
Lua distribution is very easy to build, all nice and tidy.
