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>>  It'd be  motivating to get some feedback, ideas, questions already now.

Euphoria Programming Language   version 3.1
script syntax:
sequence list, sorted_list

| sequence is analog of array {Lua - table}. object, atom, integer, string sequence is differents types
| if add in syntax of Lua this equivalent of _local_ then we may be generate effective C-code

function merge_sort(sequence x)
-- put x into ascending order using a recursive merge sort
     integer n, mid

| lua have not counted & typed args, its o`key?

{1,2,3} + 5
== {6,7,8}.

| Lua 5.1.2  Copyright (C) 1994-2007, PUC-Rio
|    print({1,2,3} + 4)
stdin:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a table value
stack traceback:
        stdin:1: in main chunk
        [C]: ?
> function x() return 5 end
> print(x())
> print(x()+4)
> print(x+4)
stdin:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'x' (a function value)
stack traceback:
        stdin:1: in main chunk
        [C]: ?
> its joke
It`s all right?