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hello, Mike Pall <>.

On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 22:54:05 +0200
Mike Pall <> wrote:

> Umm, you mean dis_x86.lua? Well, the comments clearly state:

>   "The supported instruction set is quite extensive
>    and reflects what a current generation P4 or K8 implements
>    in ***32 bit mode***. Yes, this includes MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3,
>    SSSE3 and even privileged instructions.
> It's not a bug -- it was never intended to work in 16 bit mode.
> But who needs this anymore?
but i've seen the code that tries to parse 16-bit instructions there.
i'm not sure, but i think so (need to look at my LuaJIT copy to clear
it out %-). anyway i've fixed it for 16 bits (yes, I need it... but i've
translated your asm to my "klass system", so i can't send you a simple
diff; anyway i can send you my actual code -- it's 99.9% yours anyway
and it's easy to follow -- tnx again; the code is mixed with fast
"length disassembler" though... %-).

> > no fatal bugs in asm found so far (i'm not using asm for 16 bit %-).
> One bug found so far: the 2nd instance of cmpsd_3 in dasm_x86.lua
> should really be cmpss_3 (F3 0F C2 *).
hm. i've never used such instructions, so i really can miss it (x86
opcodes is the pain in the ... yes, right there %-).