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Hi Stef.

On 21 Oct 2007, at 16:32, Stef wrote:
I understand I have to 'make verbose' before compiling,

Actually, you don't. The verbose support is included by default. However if you want to improve performance by striping out the verbose code support then you should do 'make no-verbose'.

but how do I actually enable verbose at runtime, and how do I
set the different verbose levels?

Field 'oil.verbose' provides the API described in 'http://' thus you can use 'oil.verbose:level(2)' to enable messages up to verbose level 2 or 'oil.verbose:flag("invoke", true)' to enable messages about request invocation.

The list of all OiL verbose flags are defined in file 'lua/oil/ verbose.lua' and the verbose levels are defined as follows:

1: Operation invocation and dispatching;
2: GIOP request and reply processing;
3: Mutual exclusion channel access (concurrent mode);
4: GIOP message creation and handling (i.e. requests and replies);
5: Socket channels creation and handling (i.e. connection and transport);
6: Value (un)marshaling;
7: Hexadecimal view of marshaled streams;
8: Creation of IDL descriptors and internal IR operation;

To debug the application I suggest to use levels 1 or 2. However to find out if OiL is doing something wrong you shall enable levels 5 or 6 and send me the log.

For debugging application it is also useful to enable verbose messages about value mashaling. This can be done individually in the application code by commands 'oil.verbose:flag("marshal", true)' and 'oil.verbose:flag("unmarshal", true)'. But be careful because the log may become really big in most cases.

Thanks for your interest.

Renato Maia
PhD student at PUC-Rio