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> The article describes how to modify the module loading mechanisms. The
> Lua 5.1 module architecture use two type of functions to load a
> module. First there is an array of functions that can be used to find
> modules and partially load them. These functions, let's call them type
> A, are in the table package.loaders. Then each Lua module must have an
> initialization function that completes the module loading (for Lua
> modules it's the main module chunk, for binary modules it's the
> luaopen_xxx function). Let's call these initialization functions type
> B.
> [...]
> Now I'd like if possible respect the manual nomenclature. So assuming
> the type B functions are module 'loaders', what would be a good name
> for type A functions ? That's an open call for suggestions. Any
> suggestion would help. Also if you think that 'loader' is better
> suited for type A functions, please tell us (and eventually submit a
> name for type B if you don't like 'entry point'), the official manual
> could also be changed in that way.

Currently the manual calls type A 'searchers' and type B 'loaders'. See

-- Roberto