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--- Jerome Vuarand <> wrote:

> Steve Heller wrote:
> >>> No. The input is from a file, which does not
> change
> >>> between runs. Of course, I need to run the
> program with different
> >>> input files in the normal course of events;
> however, I'm seeing this
> >>> problem with the exact same input for each run.
> >> 
> >> Are you reloading Lua itself between runs, or are
> you rereading the
> >> input file? 
> >> 
> >> Is it possible that a previous run left things in
> a strange state.
> > 
> > I'm rerunning lua.exe each time from the command
> line.
> You should really try to isolate the bug in a
> minimal script and send it
> to us. In a matter of minutes you will now if it
> comes from the Lua code
> or from the way you compile the interpreter.

I would really like to do that, but this is a fairly
large system consisting of tens of thousands of lines
of code. Since the bug is so hard to reproduce even
with the whole system, it may take me a very long time
to get it to show up in a small sample.

I'm trying to revalidate my license for Rational
PurifyPlus and will run my program under that as soon
as possible. That should find memory problems if
that's what is causing this issue.