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Julien Hamaide wrote:
Lythoner LY wrote:
Hi All,

>> (snip)

if you have a limited number of type, you can define them as global
variable :


function DEF_PARAM(v)
   -- do something here to set NAME property from v
   -- v["NAME"] = ???? How do I get string equivalent of variable v
   return v

Just load this script before your definition file, and TYPE will
automatically contain the text.

I think he meant the name of the variable:

>> In shell,
>>> print(DeviceParam3.NAME)
>> DeviceParam3
>>> print (type(DeviceParam3.NAME)
>> string

Unfortunately, it is not possible to know what is the name of the variable you are assigning to (inside the DEF_PARAM function, of course). What I suggest, is to __newindex the chunk's environment and post-assign the name. Something like:

DeviceParam1 = DEF_PARAM{ TYPE = INT }
DeviceParam2 = DEF_PARAM{ TYPE = INT }
DeviceParam3 = DEF_PARAM{ TYPE = INT }

~~ end of myconfiguration.lua:

function load( filename )
    local f = assert( loadfile( filename ) )
    local e = setmetatable( {}, {
        __index = _G;
        __newindex = function( t, k, v )
            if type( k ) == 'string' and type( v ) == 'table' then
                v.NAME = k
        end; } )
    setfenv( f, e )

~~ end of configloader.lua

Of course, this will cause all assignments of tables to global variables be changed. You can make some tricks to only assign the NAME fields to a particular subset. First, you can check for the presence of a TYPE attribute as a pre-condition (trivial). Second, you can store the newly created table in another table while creating it with DEF_PARAM and then check if the table being assigned belongs to it:

function load( filename )
    local f = assert( loadfile( filename ) )

    local t = {}
    local old_DEF_PARAM = DEF_PARAM

    local e = setmetatable(
            DEF_PARAM = function( info )
                -- In case DEF_PARAM creates another table...
                info = old_DEF_PARAM( info )
                t[ info ] = true
                return info
        }, {
            __index = _G;
            __newindex = function( t, k, v )
                if t[ v ] then
                    v.NAME = k
    setfenv( f, e )

~~ end of configloader2.lua

Hope that helps,
