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This is a coroutine based system I use:

--this is implemented as a coroutine that provides decoded lines
--usage is as follows:

--NextLine = coroutine.wrap(CSVreader)
--lineno,line = NextLine(FileName,ColumnNames)
--while lineno > 0 do
--  process line
--  lineno,line = NextLine()
--if lineno > 0 then NextLine('stop') end

--the reader is given a file name, this is opened scanned and closed as required. --the reader returns a line number of the start source line decoded, if this is --0 it means the end of the file has been detected, and the coroutine terminates. --it also returns a table of the fields extracted, fields in the source file may --be multi-line according to the conventions used by Excel, line breaks are propagated. --the returned line is an array of fields, [1] is the first column, [2] the second, etc.

function CSVreader(FileName)
 local file = assert(,'r'))
 local lineno = 0
 local offset = 1
 local line = {}
 local rawline, nextline, nexti
 while true do
   rawline = file:read()
   if not rawline then break end --gone off end of file, that's it
   lineno = lineno + offset; offset = 1
   local fieldstart = 1
     -- next field is quoted? (start with `"'?)
     if string.find(rawline, '^"', fieldstart) then
       --{{{  got a quoted field
local a, c, f
       local i  = fieldstart
while true do --keep iterating lines 'til get a proper field termination
           -- find closing quote
           a, i, c = string.find(rawline, '"("?)', i+1)
         until c ~= '"'    -- quote not followed by quote?
         if not i then --field unterminated
           --concatenate next line from file and start again
i = string.len(rawline)+1 --continue search from start of next line
           nextline = file:read()               --get next line
           if not nextline then error('unmatched "') end
           offset = offset + 1
rawline = rawline..'\r\n'..nextline --add continuation (and line break) to the line --carry on the field termination search
           f = string.sub(rawline, fieldstart+1, i-1)
           table.insert(line, (string.gsub(f, '""', '"')))
fieldstart = string.find(rawline, ',', i) --find end of this field if not fieldstart then fieldstart = string.len(rawline) end --gone off end of line fieldstart = fieldstart + 1 --move to next field break --got a proper line termination, so carry on
     else                -- unquoted; find next comma
       nexti = string.find(rawline, ',', fieldstart)
if not nexti then nexti = string.len(rawline)+1 end --pretend there is a comma on the end
       table.insert(line, string.sub(rawline, fieldstart, nexti-1))
       fieldstart = nexti + 1
   until fieldstart > string.len(rawline)
   if coroutine.yield(lineno,line) == 'stop' then break end
   line = {}                            --empty line for next lot
 return 0,{}

gary ng wrote:

I have a question about csv parser.

For most of the codes I can search(including lpeg and
even python's module), they show how to break a
"record" or csv line into fields.

Now if I have a file like the following :

"this is a field with \r\n", 2, 3 \r\n
normal, 2, 3 \r\n

how do I read the correct line as the quoted \r\n
would not be treated specially by io:lines(), I

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