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It does that, but it doesn't do some other things:

if false then
  a = 10

lua -l test.lua

main <test.lua:0,0> (4 instructions, 16 bytes at 0x805fd10)
0+ params, 2 slots, 0 upvalues, 0 locals, 2 constants, 0 functions
        1       [1]     JMP             2       ; to 4
        2       [2]     LOADK           0 -2    ; 10
        3       [2]     SETGLOBAL       0 -1    ; a
        4       [3]     RETURN          0 1

I'm curious what other optimizations are done? I couldn't find a list...

-Patrick Donnelly

"One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing
to do and always a clever thing to say."

-Will Durant