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Hello list!

I just read about the great performance of LuaJIT, also at the Great
Programming Language Shootout Game [1].

Since Lua internally uses a VM, is it made for / possible to target the
VM with another language - ie. "compile" Python / Ruby / etc. code into
the Lua bytecode format? (even when some intermediate code would be
required for the according semantics)? - Is the Lua VM general enough
for this?

Reason is: I'm looking for a VM / framework to allow various dynamic
languages to access each other's objects and use a common object /
bytecode format = separate the execution / bytecode / VM from the syntax
and semantics. Could be fun :-) - If anyone has done research into this
area, I'd be very grateful for projects already working on this - thanks!

Greetings and thanks,
Ernst Rohlicek jun.
