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Wrap the function as the __call metamethod in a table?

On 8/3/07, PA <> wrote:
> Hello,
> For the record:
> % lua -v
> Lua 5.1.2  Copyright (C) 1994-2007, PUC-Rio
> With setmetatable, one can assign a metatable per table instance. One
> the other hand, debug.setmetatable seems to assign a metatable per
> object type, not object instance, e.g.:
> local aFunction = function() end
> debug.setmetatable( aFunction, { __len = function() return 1 end } )
> print( #aFunction )
>  >       1
> Unfortunately, it seems like all function instances share the same
> metatable:
> local anotherFunction = function() end
> debug.setmetatable( anotherFunction, { __len = function() return 2 end
> } )
> print( #aFunction, #anotherFunction )
>  >       2       2
> This even though the documentation states that debug.setmetatable is
> "for the given object", not object type:
> "Sets the metatable for the given object to the given table (which can
> be nil)."
> Bug or feature?
> In any case, how to get around such conundrum and properly simulate one
> metatable per function instance?
> Perhaps one could try using a function environment, which can be set
> per function instance:
> local aFunction = function() end
> debug.setmetatable( aFunction, { __len = function( self ) return
> getfenv( self ):__len() end } )
> setfenv( aFunction, { __len = function() return 1 end } )
> local anotherFunction = function() end
> setfenv( anotherFunction, { __len = function() return 2 end } )
> print( #aFunction, #anotherFunction )
>  >       1       2
> Is there a more straightforward way?
> Thanks in advance.
> Cheers,
> PA.