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You must ensure that you are using different main lua_state. Main
lua_state contains all virtual machine data.

If you decide to run your script sharing a lua_state, you need to define
lua_lock & lua_unlock in lua_conf.h


Evgeny Belyanko wrote:
> Hi!
> If I am using LUA in minimal configuration (like min.c), no C
> extensions,  and use reentrant stdio lib, can I use the same code in
> different threads? With different lua script files, but the same code
> for interpreter & compiler.
> In case of minimum script, like hello.lua, how many memory for DATA
> and STACK I will need (approximately).
> I am intending to use LUA in stand-alone embedded system, based on uCOS
> Thank you in advance for help!
> Evgeny Belyanko.

Julien Hamaide
Engineering Coach
10Tacle Studios Belgium / Elsewhere Entertainment