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	I think Peter has summarized the options we have:

> Sam Roberts wrote:
> > But its impossible for more than one of the above modes to match!
> Correct. The symlink is either followed or not. Which is what I described above. 
> Assuming `cycles' are considered a problem, I see several options for lfs:
>   * have lfs.attributes() accept an optional argument not to follow links, which 
> is backwards compatible, assuming no redundant arguments are passed;
>   * add a function which doesn't follow links;
>   * perform stat() aswell as lstat() in lfs.attributes(), which means both modes 
> can be returned.
	I am not sure what should be done in the last option.  Suppose
`lfs.attributes' performs both `stat' and `lstat'.  What will be the
result of `mode'?
