Wouldn't it be easy, and very low-overhead, to increment and decrement a
count for every add/remove? My countpairs() is O(n) :-(
If you really, really need to know the number of key-value pairs in your table
(which is probably not the case, as Javier suggested), you can try this:
-- hash.lua
local new = function()
local t = {}
local n = 0
local u = newproxy(true)
local mt = getmetatable(u)
mt.__index = t
mt.__newindex = function(o, k, v)
if t[k] == nil and v ~= nil then -- new key?
n = n + 1
elseif t[k] ~= nil and v == nil then -- remove key?
n = n - 1
t[k] = v
mt.__len = function() return n end
mt.__call = function() return next, t, nil end -- pairs
return u
module(..., function(mod) setmetatable(mod, {__call = new}) end)
$ lua -i -lhash
Lua 5.1.1 Copyright (C) 1994-2006 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
h = hash()
h.k1 = 10
h.k2 = "hash"
= #h
h.k2 = nil
for k, v in h() do print(k,v) end
k1 10
= #h
It's simple and pure Lua, but I'm not sure it's right. :) I hope you never
need to keep counts on weak tables, as this could get trickier.