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Hows this look? I had to write my own getopt while writing a posix compliant version of cat, and, I didn't like the versions of getopt that others have written. It works for my purposes, but I'd like to hear thoughts and where I'm breaking posix compliance.

-- getopt returns a table where associated keys are true or nil
-- the string options contains the options that have associated values `-b one' style
-- Example: opts["a"]==true, opts["b"]=="one"
function getopt( arg, options )
  local tab = {}
  local count = 1
  for k, v in ipairs(arg) do
    if ( string.sub( v, 1, 2) == "--" ) then
      local x = string.find( v, "=", 1, true )
      if ( x ) then tab[ string.sub( v, 3, x-1 ) ] = string.sub( v, x+1 )
      else          tab[ string.sub( v, 3 ) ] = true
    elseif ( string.sub( v, 1, 1 ) == "-" ) then
      local y = 2
      local k
      while ( y <= string.len(v) ) do
        k = string.sub( v, y, y )
        if ( string.find( options, k, 1, true ) ) then
            if string.sub( arg[count], 1, 1) ~= "-" then
              tab[ k ] = arg[count]
            count = count + 1
            if ( count > #arg ) then tab[ k ] = true end
          until count > #arg
        else tab[ k ] = true
        y = y + 1
  return tab