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Steve Heller wrote:
>> I also had to change the .emacs file installed by
>> emacsw32 to not
>> maximize the gvim window on startup:
>>  '(emacsw32-max-frames nil)
> Do you have any idea where that would be created? It
> isn't in the emacs directory tree as far as I can
> tell.

I don't know, sorry. I'm not really much of an emacs user,
much less on windows. I just happened to be working on a
windows machine, so I figured I'd give it a try.

>From the prefix, I'd guess that it's part of the emacsw32
distribution, so it might not even matter. The issue I
was having was that emacs would maximize every so often,
which was irritating. If that doesn't happen to you, don't
worry about it :) I couldn't find any documentation on how
to get emacs to maximize or not on startup, but I found that
line in the .emacs file created by the emacsw32 installer and
changed it from t to nil in the hopes that it might stop
maximizing frames.