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Stefan Sandberg wrote:
> Eh, I don't even want to ask, but are you using bin2c on C code?


No, I have a Lua file that I compile with luac and the result goes
through bin2c.  And that leaves me with a file that looks somewhat
like this:

/* code automatically generated by bin2c -- DO NOT EDIT */
/* #include'ing this file in a C program is equivalent to calling
/* .\build\obj\bin2c\ */
static const unsigned char B1[]={
... lots of numbers ...
 lua_dobuffer(L,(const char*)B1,sizeof(B1),".\build\obj\bin2c\");

And you can't have that as a normal top level include (like for a real
header file).  It needs to be included inside a function.

Have things change in any dramatic way in 5.1?


r dot raschke at tombob dot com