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lhf wrote:

Lua 5.1.2-rc1 is now available at


Please take a look and report any problems.

Here are some corrections to the manual.

There is no explicit mention in the manual that this:

 function vararg(...)
   function nonvararg()
     return ... -- vararg expression

is not allowed.  (The clause "Vararg expressions, denoted by
three dots ('...'), can only be used inside vararg
functions" could be interpreted this way, but it also has a
broader interpretation under which the above example is
legal.)  Here's a patch that fixes this:

--- doc/manual.html 2007-03-23 13:37:11.000000000 -0400
+++ doc/manual.vararg.html 2007-03-25 17:08:23.691875000 -0400
@@ -1404,6 +1404,10 @@

+A vararg expression can only be used if the innermost
+function containing it is a vararg function.
Results are returned using the <b>return</b> statement (see <a href="#2.4.4">&sect;2.4.4</a>).
If control reaches the end of a function
without encountering a <b>return</b> statement,

When the word "userdata" is used in the manual, it's
consistently used as a singular or plural count noun, except
for two uses as a mass noun, corrected below:

--- doc/manual.html 2007-03-25 17:20:10.238750000 -0400
+++ doc/manual.userdata.html 2007-03-25 17:19:41.238750000 -0400
@@ -3222,7 +3222,7 @@

-Userdata represents C&nbsp;values in Lua.
+Userdata values represent C&nbsp;values in Lua.
A <em>full userdata</em> represents a block of memory.
It is an object (like a table):
you must create it, it can have its own metatable,
@@ -3498,7 +3498,7 @@

-Userdata represents C&nbsp;values in Lua.
+Userdata values represent C&nbsp;values in Lua.
A <em>light userdata</em> represents a pointer.
It is a value (like a number):
you do not create it, it has no individual metatable,

(Incidentally, I'm partial to the clarity given by using
"userdatas" as the plural of "userdata" -- this is what Kurt
and I chose to use in our book.  Except...CURSES!!  I see
now that our copyeditor "corrected" some -- not all -- of
these to "userdata".)

One more thing -- I haven't had time to make sure of this,
so pardon me if I'm wrong, but at first glance it looks like
getbinhandler, len_event, and unm_event still don't reflect
the fact that call_binTM only calls a metamethod if it's a
function.  (This was mentioned in a private message to the
Lua team on 2007-09-07.)
