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Do we really need the colon operator to implement OO-like method calls? Perhaps Lua's syntax could be simplified by defining a small extension to the semantics (and implementation) of self in function / method definitions and obviating the need for the colon syntax.

Thus, the object.method( object, arg) "extra argument" calling idiom is just a formal semantic equivalence for the call to object:method( arg). But why couldn't Lua recognize a colon-free definition & calling syntax of 'self' methods like below (showing a table constructor & function constructor for the withdraw and deposit methods, adapted from pg 150 of the Blue Book):

Account = {
  balance = 0,
  withdraw = function (v)  -- note: no explicit 'self' arg
    self.balance = self.balance - v  -- self is inferred

-- and --

function Account.deposit (v)  -- note: no colon operator
  self.balance = self.balance + v  -- self is inferred

-- with corresponding OO-like method calls: --

Account.deposit( 200.00)   -- no extra 'Account' arg needed
Account.withdraw( 100.00)  -- and no need for colon syntax

Notice that I've excluded 'self' as an explicit parameter in the definition of withdraw, and I've used a dot instead of a colon in the definition of deposit. This would be a syntax error and/or runtime error under the current definition of the language since the function bodies make references to self.

If there is no colon, is there no self? -- sounds like a question for Descartes: cogito ergo colon? :-) Under the current language definition, the answer is yes: no colon, no self.


But since 'self' is a special local symbol in Lua, couldn't the caller / object identity of the reference to self be inferred without the need for either an explicit self parameter (in the table constructor case) or a colon operator (in the function constructor case)?

That is, in both the definition of functions/methods and the calling of functions/methods, shouldn't a local reference to 'self' automatically imply a reference to the caller (receiving object)? The semantics of 'self' implies a reference to the caller even without a self parameter (in the explicit idiom) or colon operator (in the implicit idiom).

I think the answer boils down to a runtime implementation issue. If the colon operator is implemented by pushing a "hidden" reference to the caller onto the *argument* stack, then it would be messy to sort through argument references on the stack (i.e. use arg[i] in the explicit self case or arg[i+1] in the implicit self case).

But the self reference to the caller needn't be pushed on to the *argument* stack -- that is, self shouldn't be treated as a calling argument (or definition parameter) at all! That's just a cute way of formally mapping OO-method semantics into traditional functional syntax. Instead, during a function / method call, the caller's reference is always available nearby anyway, usually elsewhere in the call frame; hence no need for "hiding" it in the argument stack.


Implementation details aside, it seems to me that from the semantics of any local reference to self in a function body, Lua should always be able to infer the caller / object from the lexical scope -- without the need for a colon operator or "hidden" parameters.

Thus a "function" definition differs from a "method" definition *only* because the function makes no reference to a local self variable, whereas the method does make reference to a self variable. Both "functions" and "methods" should be defined / called with the same dot operator and the same parameter / argument list syntax. Only "proper" parameters / arguments should appear in definitions / calls -- no need for "hidden" self parameters or "extra" self arguments.

// Brian Hagerty