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Sorry, should have read the whole thread.  I guess luaxx is different than toluaxx.
for those interested in an easy to use C++ to lua binding library checkout toluaxx, which
is an upgrade tolua++
Kenneth Hurley

Kenneth Hurley <> wrote:
We converted from ToLua++ to ToLuaXX because of Lua 5.1 support.  We had a few problems and had to reintegrate our changes to the LUA code insideside toluaxx (It didn't parse function pointers correctly and a couple of other things).  We did find one bug with
it converting "1.5" in a string to an actual number which made a couple of things failed.
We sent the code updates to the main person, but received no response.  We can post the changes we made, if anyone is interested.
The code is working in our game engine now.  We also modified the build to add VS7.1 builds for DLLs since we have plugins and if it is a library, the plugin use a separate version of lua, which isn't multithreaded safe.
Kenneth Hurley

RJP Computing <> wrote:
On 2/27/07, Matthew A. Nicholson wrote:
> Looking at this some more based on your feedback, I can convert a lot of
> these numeric functions to(int|long|short...) to templates. Again,
> thanks for the feedback.
Any updates? I am interested in using this, but I want to get the new
version so that I don't need to immediately have to rewrite my code.
RJP Computing

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