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New Lua user here.  Great stuff, in love with it already!

I'm getting an error when trying to import or require another file.

I've tried:
local Utils = import('Utilities.lua')

and (not at the same time):
require "Utilities"

and they both give an error message:
Error calling function 'Test': attempt to call a nil value

It doesn't seem to matter what's in the file Utilities.lua. It can be empty and I still get that error.
I've also tried using the entire path to the file.  No change.

The LUA_PATH environment variable is set to: ?;?.lua;c:\fxexpert\?;c:\fxexpert\?.lua;;

My C initialization code looks like this:
 luaState = lua_open();

Then I call Test.lua like this:
 luaL_dofile(luaState, "Test.lua");
 lua_getglobal(luaState, "Test");  // Lua function to be called
 lua_pushlightuserdata(luaState, dllData);
 if (lua_pcall(luaState, 1, 0, 0) != 0)
    char strOut[200];
sprintf_s(strOut, sizeof(strOut) - 1, "Error calling function '%s': %s", "Test", lua_tostring(luaState, -1));
    ::MessageBox(NULL, strOut, "Execute", MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST);
    return MSX_SUCCESS;

If I remove the import and require statements, the Lua code runs fine.
Am I missing something?

Platform = WinXP
Downloaded latest Lua source and compiled (as static lib) myself. Also tried pre-compiled bins with the same results.
