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An OS X dynamically loaded shared library (aka "bundle") cannot be
unloaded if it ever called any obj-c APIs.

I got lost in the package code... is it possible in my luaopen_xxxx()
function to find the userdata that refers to my module? I would like to
remove that userdata, or at least it's metatable, so it no longer has a
finalizer, and won't do this:

	objc: cannot unmap an image containing ObjC data
	Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
	0x9083be80 in _objc_trap ()

Currently I do:

	static void lua_objc_kill_dlclose(lua_State* L){
	  luaL_getmetatable(L, "_LOADLIB");
	  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__gc");

	luaopen_objc(lua_State*L) {
		... register my module....

However, this means that no module ever gets unloaded. I'd prefer to
make it just the objc module.

Btw, I have made obj-c bindings that do not require modification of the
lua executable, there are a "normal" lua module that can be used as
any other (directly linked in, loaded with require(), etc.). For this
reason, I don't want to hack loadlib.c either. A module shouldn't
require the language core to be modified in order to function.
