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Also my girl and my Mom :) have DS'es, so it'd be cool to hear further reports on your journey.

Does DSLua use an integer patched (speed optimized) version of Lua -- I think not?

On Mon, 05 Mar 2007 10:47:01 +0100
 Philippe Lhoste <> wrote:
As I recently bought a storage card for the Nintendo DS console of my daughter, I finally took a closer look at the world of homebrew games (ie. non-commercial programs made by amateurs), hoping to find some time to try to do something myself.

Naturally, I thought it would be cool to have Lua available on this system, and of course I first searched if something like that have been made already...

So I found DSLua <>, which is a Lua wrapper around the well known (in this small world of DS homebrew) PALib (game library <>) and devkitPro (core library, toolchain <>).

I have yet to explore it further, but I though I should expose this cool application to the Lua community, as I found no reference to it in the mailing list.

I don't know why there is no official announcement to the user project listing, perhaps because it is still a 0.6 version.

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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