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On Thursday 01 March 2007, Romulo Bahiense wrote:
> The problem is: how to detect when the server (httpd: apache+fastcgi)
> closes the connection? I've tried to watch the results of client:send()
> while sending the reqline and detecting if the error is "closed", but it
> seems that the client is acting as if nothing had happened until it
> tries to read from the same socket.

this is the expected behaviour, by definition calling close() on a TCP stream 
only means "i won't write anymore data to this stream".  it's perfectly valid 
to keep reading for as long as you want.

so, if the server closes the stream you can still send data; and if it calls 
read(), will get it.  only when the second part (the client, in your case) 
calls close() too, is the whole stream finished.

now, should it be detectable by the application?... i have no idea


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