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Hello Jeremy

Really I think that ALL pseudo-random generators used nowadays
in computers are predictables: a deterministic formula is used.
The unique really random generator are those based on some external
processes. For example, by reading white noise from a sound card or
similar (possibly with not good randomness ?) you can obtain it.

Other very different thing is the random properties of the usual
generators. If you plain to use it for a heavy calculation (quantum,
thermodynamics, etc.) you need some of the generators cited in previous
posts, which have a long period. It is not convenient to take more than
a 10% of the period in a typical use.

If you need it for a game, it is possible that the one provided in Lua
is enough. In case of doubt you should use the Mersenne generator provided
for example in Numlua.


On Thu, 22 Feb 2007, Jeremy Darling wrote:

Thanks greatly everyone for your answers.  I thought that Lua used the
standard C lib, but really hoped that it would be predictable.  Now I guess
its time to look at other implementations including those sent by Jerome and
Gé as I am thinking of using this for storage of random mazes.

Thanks again,
- Jeremy