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In my tests with Lua Lanes, multithreaded programming using multiple Lua states, I've come to the wish to embed separate chunks of Lua code, within surrounding chunks. This can currently be done by using strings, but has a few limitations to it:

thread [[
   local a,b,c= ...
   -- ...
   return xx

- Chunks embedded as strings are compiled (syntax checked) at runtime (the 'thread' call), not at compile time - Chunks embedded will have their own line numbering, not that of the actual (surrounding) source file - Chunk source takes up space (as a string) when it could actually be stored as a byte-compiled 'chunk'

One could have a special syntactic format of declaring 'sub-chunks', solving all the above issues at once. Maybe this could even be done as a tkn fltr ;) --not saying the word, i bet there's already people fltering out such posts!--

thread @[[
   local a,b,c= ...
   -- ...
   return xx

This would compile the subchunk into a bytecode string, which is then the value of the @[[ ... ]] expression. Opinions?

Another approach would be to deal with it function-wise, maybe with a new 'chunk' keyword:

thread( chunk( a,b,c )
	  -- ...
	  return xx

This would pass the parameters nicer, but isn't it misleading that the resulting value would be a string, not a function. Actually, it could even be a function, if that function is a wrapper to ignite the thread once called. This would, however, marry threading and chunking together in a non-Luaish way.

I would like to hear your comments on this. Doing the @[[ ]] syntax would imho be a good start.

Also, are there other usage situations where embedding chunks of code within another chunk has surfaced, in your work?

[ The difference to just using functions is, we cannot send closures (easily) across separate Lua states (can we?). The chunk is intended to be 'the' code that the separate Lua state is to run, and once it returns, that state is getting eliminated. ]
