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>What do you mean by undump? In both v3 and v4, luac -l generates 

I assume, but am unsure, that "undump" means generating the listings. 
The modifications to LuaC were made several years ago by another 
person. I assume that at the time they were necessary changes.

>Like I said, you have to read lopcodes.h and lvm.c. That's what I 

Unfortunately, I am not a C programmer. I plan on writing the 
converter in JavaScript since that is the only language besides Lua 
that I'm fluent in. I have written a Lua pretty-printer in JavaScript, 
so I believe that the language is sufficient for my needs.

If you wouldn't mind, would you please look through these files and 
tell me in plain English what the numerical values in the listings 

>Perhaps it'd be easier to start with LuaDC and fix that, if you have
>access to its source code (I could not find it with google).

The source for LuaDC is not avaialable, and the author no longer 
frequents the HW2 modding community. I believe that others have tried 
to reach him via email without any luck.

I am sorry but I wasn't able to understand the source code examples 
you provided. I do not know what a "stack" or "stack pointer" is. The 
only thing I know about a stack is that it has finite space which can 
be used up by making too many function calls.

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