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I recently found myself needing to insert a standardized header comment block into 1300+ lua scripts.  This seemed like a great use for Lua and an opportunity to try out the LuaFileSystem module from LuaForge so that I could dynamically iterate over the scripts in a directory.  Unfortunately, I've spent a few days wrestling with getting the module to load into a script with the require() function instead.  Initially this had to do with incompatibilities between the LuaFileSystem pre-compiled dll and Lua 5.1, which I'm using.  Rather than switching back to 5.0, I figured I'd recompile the dll for Lua 5.1.1, which I succeeded in doing.  When I try to require the resulting dll, however, I get the following error:

    error loading module 'lfs' from file 'C:/lua/5.1/lib/lfs.dll':
        The specified procedure could not be found.

My LUA_CPATH is "./?.dll;C:/lua/5.1/lib/?.dll;C:/lua/5.1/?.dll" and the lfs.dll is compiled using the Visual Studio Win 32 console dll template to extern the luaopen_lfs() function (the function is preceded by "__declspec(dllexport)").  At the moment, I'm just trying to get the module linking to work, so I've commented out all of the code except a single function, "foo" which just returns 0, the luaL_reg list ("fslib") containing nothing other than foo and the sentinel entry, and the luaopen_lfs() definition which calls luaL_register( L, "lfs", fslib ) and then returns 1.

The test script contains only:

    require "lfs"

I'm not familiar with compiling dlls, so I'm not sure whether the problem is with that or if there's something about the syntax for the module definition and the use of require that I'm missing.

Has anyone else run into this error and fixed the problem?  Or does anyone have a sense of what's going wrong?


Link Hughes
Lead Programmer
1st Playable Productions