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metalua (a lua compiler which supports full macros and code manipulation at the AST level) offers by default "|foo, bar| xxx" as an alternative syntax for "function(foo, bar) return xxx end"; it proves quite nice to use: readable, compact and currying-friendly. I'd guess that you could implement it with token filters, if you're able to figure aout the end of an arbitrary _expression_. Or you could hack something like adding mandatory parentheses around the lambda.

I've also experimented with shorted syntaxes for multiple statements instead of single expressions as aboved, but in the end I felt that it wasn't worth it. However, you can still use it (it's "do |foo, bar| stat1; stat2;...statn end"  in the currently available version IIRC), or define whatever suits you. (a 0.3 version is due for Real Soon Now, as soon as documentation will be up to date).

About empty (): without it, how would you make the difference between the function itself ( e.g. to pass it as a parameter to a higher-order function), and the application of that function?