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Ivan-Assen Ivanov wrote:
> Hello,
> throughout our code we frequently use the following construct:
> foobar( function() ..... end )
> where the anonymous function body is often very small.
> Leaving cancer of the semicolon concerns aside, maybe this is just
> begging some form of syntactic sugar, similar to
> foobar "string" as an equivalent for foobar("string")
> or
> foobar { foo = "bar" } as an equivalent for foobar( { foo = "bar" } )
> What would you suggest as a possible syntax? It has to be
> implementable with token filters, and simple enough to fit with the
> overall syntax of the language.
> E.g.
> foobar function ... end ?
> Why do we need the empty () in normal Lua anyway? I guess they are
> needed to disambiguate in some situation, but I can't think of it...
> Best regards,
> Assen
func(...) is nice and clean...