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int l_creat_player( lua_State* vm )
	lua_newtable( vm );

	int address = (int)&gSomePlayer;

	lua_pushstring( vm, "id" );
	lua_pushinteger( vm, address );
	lua_settable( vm, -3 );

	//Now I would like to add a function to this:

	lua_pushstring( vm, "get_mojo" );
	lua_pushcclosure( vm, l_player_get_mojo, 0 );
	lua_settable( vm, -3 );
	return 1;

I register the function as get_player;

My l_player_get_mojo() is like this:

int l_player_get_mojo( lua_State* vm )
	lua_getfield( vm, -1, "id" );
	int address = lua_tointeger( vm, -1 );
	Player* p = (Player*)address ;
	lua_pushnumber( vm, p->GetMojo() );
	return true;

My script is:

player = get_player()
print( "mojo is " .. player.get_mojo() )

The code dies on getting the "id" field, as the stack does not seem to
have the table on the top of the stack.

I think my problem is how I add the "member function" to the player table.

What am I missing here?
