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On Monday, January 08, 2007 5:19 AM, Natanael Copa wrote:
> Some points:
> * We could borrow a part of the apr API (just strip of the apr_ prefix).
> Reimplementing something already working and tested is much easier than
> re-engineer from scratch.

I looked into APR and NSPR a long time ago.

NSPR is clean but sports a non-conventional design (i.e departs from
posix/c-runtime style) for IO and sockets. The license is a bit confusing as

APR is clean, rich and has a conventional API flavor to it. 

Back then (and I still do) I had trouble understanding and in managing the
apr_pool_t needed for most of API. At that time Lua was transitioning from
5.0 to 5.1 and I told myself then was not a good time. Now I can see a way
of managing the apr_pool_t using udata environment.

APR license uses the same as Apache web server and I think poses no hard
restrictions for commercial use.

The documentation has also improved lately; it still leaves much to be

My point however is that choosing APR and providing a binding to it would be
an excellent choice. Let us please not re-invent the wheel.

Vijay Aswadhati