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Alexander Gladysh wrote:
But we've managed to
create a tool to validate game logic code, written by our
level-designers. Implemented validation system allowed us to catch
more errors early, and subjectively significantly sped up our
development process compared to projects, released before.
Could you provide a more formal definition for "validation"? What are you validating?

P.S. Some thoughts about static validation... I think level-designers usually do not use (don't need) a lot of Lua features. So we are speaking here about verification of small Lua-subset (we need to throw away some features to reduce "dynamism" to make language more predictable... For example think about coroutines, we need to define here some kind of yield-points otherwise our reasoning system will be to conservative, and it'll be unable to decide anything...). It is very interesting problem... Is it possible to build some kind of Hoare-logic for Lua?