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Wesley Smith wrote:

> I have a design issue in wrapping a matrix class for Lua.

I am very interested in your matrix/vector package. Are you using a
particular backend such as GSL? It is LGPL'd so could probably be used
by most as a library. I plan to develop a Lua interface to GSL in the
near future.

> mat:setcell(1, 0, "val", {0., 1., 2., 3.}) -> should call lua_tonumber
> mat:setcell(1, 0, "val", {0, 1, 2, 3}) -> should call lua_tointeger
> What is the best practice method of doing this determination?

That information is lost during interpretation of the source into byte
codes. You would have to modify the lexer. I think your original idea is
the appropriate one - 'check the type of the matrix and do lua_tonumber'.
