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Hello all,

A very good routine validate. Here is another different version
I obtained by transforming print_r (from the wiki). As I have
several tables to verify I prefer not to call error, but to return
true or false, and print the errors in stdin. At the end of validation
if some returned errors are true I can abort the program.

Apart it is convenient to name the table in test with the aim to know where is the problem:

-- verifies if table t has at least the same fields as
-- indicated in table o and of same type
local function table_verify(o, t, name, done)
  local key, o1
  local err = false
  done = done or {}
  for key, o1 in pairs(o) do
    if type(o1) == "table" and not done[value] then
      done[o1] = true
      if t[key] == nil then
        print(name .. "." .. key .. ": does not exist or incorrect")
        err = true
        err = err or table_verify(o1, t[key], name .. "." .. tostring(key), done)
      if t[key] == nil or type(o1) ~= type(t[key]) then
        print(name .. "." .. key .. ": does not exist or incorrect")
        err = true
  return err

-- schema and data assignations ...

table_verify(schema, data, "data")


I recognize validate as more Lua than table_verify but both work well.
