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Until it goes on, we'll do this every year or two.

Sent from a Treo, excuse infelicities

-----Original Message-----
From: "Alex Queiroz" <>
To: "Lua list" <>
Sent: 12/27/06 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: Lua's opportunity


On 12/27/06, Andrew Wilson <> wrote:
>  For me, a reduced learning curve is the path to maximum productivity. As
> for a swiss-army knife language, I think lua is pretty close. Lua has
> scattered sets of information,bringing those sets together in a single
> install would make Lua better. Now that modules exist, a standard install
> package can be put together for Lua. But what should be in the "standard
> package", who is going to do it? And maybe more importantly how is that work
> to be organized?

     And it's deja vu all over again. I think we should bet this time
how long until it fades. Again.
