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A link in the wiki pointed me to, the work of John Murga.  In less than 500k, it is static link of  Lua 5.1, lsqlite, Luasocket, tinyXML and FLTK 1.1.x.  Almost everything you'll need for normal use.  No other .dll or .so is needed.  No installation required.

I hope the author is on the list as he didn't leave a contact.  My suggestion is to upgrade it to SQLite3.  Tiago Dionizio's lsqlite3 beta works (except create_aggregate, probably a problem with Lua5 itself) and SQLite3 is really exciting ( e.g. full text search).  FLTK's table widget will also be useful.  It may add another 30k to the executable but will surely worth it.

BTW the windows executable has a bug.  When the directory file selection is cancelled , it crashed.  I haven't tested on Linux yet because the bundled executable can't run on my FC4 and Ubuntu.