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Hello David,

Monday, December 4, 2006, 9:30:05 PM, you wrote:

DB> I think the solution is to also provide the "!" character support to
DB> loadlib(), the altered
DB> search path is not so good in how it treats current directory (as Mike
pointed out >> 1 year ago),

I think using the "!" to  instead of "the path of the directory of the
executable file of the current process" is no use today. (IMHO)

windows will check that path first, and then current path.
As the msdn say, ( )
"The directory from which the application loaded." is at first in any

So, let the "!" replaced by the current path is better. (IMHO)

Best regards,

[苦难是人生的镇舱之物, 没有苦难, 人生这条船很容易在人生的远航中沉没]