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I'll speak for token filters... Asko will probably have more may about this.

> -          what are their overhead, when used, when not used?

The overhead is a lua_getglobal per token processed when not used.
When used, the overhead depends on the filter code.

> -          what are they designed for as a primary purpose?

For experimentation with alternative syntax and to allow people to add
syntactic sugar without modiifying the Lua core.

> -          what can be done with them?

Lots. See the workshop presentations.
> -          what can not  be done with them?

Lots. See the workshop presentations.
> -          what are the risks of multiplying lua idioms?

Plenty. But I think that token filters would be simpler to use as part
of luac (which would have to be modified slightly to load filters). From
then on, you could distribute your (precompiled) code and not worry
about making sure that it'd be run on a token-filter-enabled Lua.