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Hello all,

I've updated my ngui program :

What is ngui :
* Ngui is a closed source but free framework to define win32 user interface in xml and/or lua.
* Its written in C++/WTL/ATL and use LUNA to bind to lua.
* It works on win32 desktop and WindowsCE PDA.
* Full array of controls are available (button/radio/checkbox/edit/combo/list/listview/treeview/Tabs/menu/toolbar/statusbar)
* Docking is available (on win32)
* custom control can be defined.

What is new :
* ngui is now a dll (vc6 and evc3), loadable from lua, it can be loaded in any windows program.
* ngui is made for lua5.1 (lua5.1 Arm for pda is provided).
* a boostrap program that load ngui is provided (with source)
* a console is also there
* Forms and controls can now be created from lua.

Still a lot to do but if you want to experiment...

Best regards.

Noël Frankinet
Gistek Software SA