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I believe the problem is not table allocation, but index access and length calculation ('#' operator).

Try this one:

function createFieldDataEntriesForOneDataGenerator( dataGenerator )

    local data = dataGenerator()

    local iSubTable      = 0
    local iSubTableBlock = 0

    local subTable      = {}
    local subTableBlock = {}

    local subTableType

    for i, element in ipairs(data) do
        local a, b, c = element[ 1 ], element[ 2 ], element[ 3 ]
        if a == "<type>" then
            subTableType = b
        elseif a == "</type>" then
            -- do nothing
        elseif a == "<block>" then
            subTableBlock = {Number=b,Dup=c}
        elseif a == "</block>" then
            iSubTable = iSubTable + 1
            subTable[iSubTable] = subTableBlock
            if trim(b) ~= "" then
                iSubTableBlock = iSubTableBlock + 1
                subTableBlock[ iSubTableBlock ] = {a,b}

    return subTable, subTableType

Note that, in this code, 'data[i]' is the same as 'element', because ipairs return key and value.
