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2006-11-15T02:33:50 jason zhang:
> Can lua be compiled with uclibc?

Easily. Nothing to it, even. Here's the Bent Linux[1] spec for lua,
no special dodges needed to accomodate uClibc:

pkg lua-5.1.1


build \
    tar xzf lua-5.1.1.tar.gz
    cd lua-5.1.1
    make INSTALL_TOP=/usr INSTALL_MAN=/usr/share/man/man1 linux
    make INSTALL_TOP=$BPM_ROOT/usr INSTALL_MAN=$BPM_ROOT/usr/share/man/man1 install
    strip $BPM_ROOT/usr/bin/*


[1] <URL:>, statically-linked,
    uclibc-based distro w/o any dynamic loading support, nor any
    i18n, nor any GUI. "Unix as I came to love her in the early
    '80s, when both she and I were a lot slimmer and healthier"

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