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On Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 03:35:32PM -0700, Wesley Smith wrote:
> Let's say I have
> Obj = {}
> Obj_mt = { __index = function(t, k) -- do something
>                     end
>         }
> function
>    setmetatable(o, Obj_mt)
>    return o
> end
> obj1 ={}
> When draw_circle is called, it looks up __index and falls the function
> defined in the metatable above where t = obj1 and k = "draw_circle".
> My question is, how do I get at the arguments?  What happens to 0, 0,
> 0.5 and how can I access them?

You don't want to call draw_circle inside __index.  What you're really
doing here:

> obj1:draw_circle(0, 0, 0.5)

is this:

local func = Obj_mt.__index(Obj, "draw_circle");
func(obj1, 0, 0, 0.5);

so __index should *return* the function "draw_circle", not call it.

Glenn Maynard