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>We often seem to miss the point that the majority of
>people who now have Lua on their computers (via Lightroom, modo, WoW,
>Baldur's Gate, etc) have no possibility of modifying the C code in the
>embedding application because the source code is proprietary.

We can add another wrinkle to that.

We provide a toolkit providing a unified interface to a diverse set of
smartphones. A customer typically uses the toolkit by writing a Lua script
(we provide a Lua interpreter as part of the kit).

It is one of our selling points that the same script will work on all
devices - including ones that don't exist yet. So even if our customers
would have the ability to extend our Lua implementation in C, they'd have to
do this for all supported devices, and, when a new one came out, they'd have
to do it again. If it's in the language as standard, they wouldn’t have to
do any development.

I.e. C may be fairly portable, but compiled C isn't. Lua scripts are

Bitwise operations would come in very useful for doing interesting things on
phones (implementing some Internet protocols, munging with addresses/masks
as has previously been mentioned)

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