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I just have a look to this comparaison
and something has been missunderstood by the autor (I think)

He has mentionned:
"A finalizer can be registered with an abstract in Neko, allowing the
user-allocated data to be free when the value is garbage-collected. Lua
does not seem to offer a similar mechanism"

But in Lua when "sharing" a user-data with Lua that is managed by the
garbage collector (obtain with lua_newuserdata if I remember), it is
possible to specify the metamethod __gc to register a finalizer...

> Hi list,
> I have been working in the past years on the Neko VM (
> which share similar goals with Lua. I was interested in comparing the
> different choices made by the two VM and how they can impact the
> performances, so I wrote a comparison report available there :
> I would like to get reviews and feedbacks from people that have been
> working on Lua VM or have knowledge about its internals.
> Best,
> Nicolas