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I have a multi-threaded application, with Lua code executing in a main (system) thread. I'd like to be able to interact with another (system) thread, ideally with its own Lua state, all in shared memory. Thread2's lua_State * has a flag to indicate which thread current owns (may interact with) it. When any thread finds that the lua_State * is assigned to it, it calls functions / adds values etc. to it, then switches ownership of the lua_State * to the other thread; all fine so and thread-safe so far I think.

Unfortunately, this means that there are times at which the main thread can't access thread2, which I would like to avoid. I had the idea to 'double buffer' the lua_State *; that is, to have two input lua_State *s for thread2, and alternately swap which ones are assigned to the main thread; then in thread2 copy items from whichever of these input lua_States is locked into thread2's real lua_State.

So it's a general conceptual question - is this crazy? Is it workable? How much can I copy Lua data around between distinct states (assuming thread safety is managed correctly)? Is there a smarter algorithm for this kind of work?


main thread:

main thread loop:
	lua_State * L = get_first_available_thread2_luastate()
	if (L) {
		lua_pushthings(L); //etc
		setownership(L, thread2);	// locks L

	lua_State * L;	// thread's main lua state, only accessible here
lua_State * L1, L2; // input states used to receive Lua data from another thread

thread2 loop:
	L = thread2.lua_State;
	lua_State * Linput = get_first_locked_thread2_luastate()
	if (Linput) {
		lua_copythingsintoL(Linput, L); // etc
		setownership(Linput, main);	// unlocks L
	lua_callthings(L); //etc

get_first_locked_thread2_luastate() {
	return L1.locked ?  L1 : L2.locked ? L2 : 0;

get_first_available_thread2_luastate() {
	return !L1.locked ?  L1 : !L2.locked ? L2 : 0;
