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A solution could be to use lua_pushthread to push the current thread on
the stack and use this value to index a table which associate each
thread with the value you need.

You can store this table in the registry, so your module have access to
a thread-private space. It's slower than storring directly these
key-value pairs in the registry but don't forget that the registry is
shared between all the modules and your own are probalby not the only
one who want a per-thread storage.


On Mon, Sep 04, 2006 at 11:04:41PM -0400, Doug Currie wrote:
> There are times when a dynamically loadable library needs to maintain
> a per thread state. For example, I am working on a port of decNumber
> to Lua as a loadable library; it needs a numeric context (rounding,
> precision, etc.) that should be "global" to the thread, but not shared
> between threads. [There is the option of requiring all operations on
> decNumbers to take a context argument. This is the approach the C
> library uses, but seems contrary to a Lua user's expectation of, e.g.,
> infix operators working on decNumbers.]
> Cursory reading of the Lua 5.1 manual leads one to believe that there
> is a "thread environment" accessible using LUA_GLOBALSINDEX. But
> looking at the source code leads me to conclude that all threads share
> the same global table by default. If so, this is useless as a
> per-thread storage mechanism for the library. Although it may be
> possible to construct tables for each thread that defer to the global
> global table using a metatable, this approach would depend on
> mechanisms outside the library's control, e.g., at thread creation time.
> If the library was statically linked with Lua, there is the
> LUAI_EXTRASPACE mechanism to allocate some per-thread storage. This
> would suit the purpose perfectly, except that it doesn't work for
> dynamically loaded libraries and stock Lua.
> What's needed is dynamically allocated per thread storage. Can any one
> identify mechanisms to do this that I haven't considered above?
> An approach that might work is to create a per-thread table for thread
> local storage and put it in the registry keyed on the thread's
> identity (i.e., L). This would work until some other library tried to
> put something else in the registry keyed on L. I could construct a
> "more unique key" such as L concatenated with the address of some
> object in my library, but this either runs the risk of running out of
> bits in LUA_NUMBER, or taking lots of time in re-constructing the key
> every time the context is needed.
> It would be really nice to have a LUA_THREADREGISTRYINDEX that
> provided access to a gc'd slot in the thread state (initially nil or
> an empty table). Then dynamically loadable libraries could store per
> thread context in that table.
> e

Thomas Lavergne                       "Le vrai rêveur est celui qui rêve
                                       de l'impossible."  (Elsa Triolet)