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> From: [mailto:lua-
>] On Behalf Of Javier Guerra
> i've recently realized that my argument of "don't 'design' a website,
> program
> it!" could be rephrased with the MVC buzzwords to make it more
> attractive... i
> just have to learn the correct buzzwords ;-)

At the risk of more traffic on this thread, I'll try to save you some's a quick lecture ;-)

"Convention over configuration" and "Don't Repeat Yourself" and even just
plain old "Model View Controller" are, boiled down, simply heuristics that
have the effect of sparking certain perspectives.  They are similar to the
Code Smells(also heuristics) listing for Agile people,  inventive principles
for TRIZ people,  Lessons Learned for Rapid Testing people(Bach does refer
directly to this definition of "heuristic"),  all the extreme-programming
practices,  etc.  It's important to have lots of these fallible heuristics,
you don't want just one,  and it's important to be able to choose among them.
They are not scientific,  they are fallible heuristics,  sometimes
misunderstood as Silver Bullets.

You probably have already your own high level heuristics that characterize
and make Lua attractive, otherwise I wouldn't have stumbled in...the Lua list
is a busy one..

That's all that would need to be done,  give webapps the same thing that
distinguishes Lua from the rest,  maybe Kepler already does this,  don't

I can point you to how to generate more heuristics than you'll ever need :-)