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In my project, I initialize the Lua interpreter in the WinMain function like below:

 L = lua_open();
    luaopen_base(L);             /* opens the basic library */
    luaopen_table(L);            /* opens the table library */
    luaopen_io(L);               /* opens the io library */
    luaopen_string(L);           /* opens the string lib. */
    luaopen_math(L);             /* opens the math lib. */

When it run to the luaopen_io(L), a error raises. It's access violation.
>From the call stack, I found it crashed in 
static TValue *index2adr (lua_State *L, int idx) 

      Closure *func = curr_func(L);
      sethvalue(L, &L->env, func->c.env);  // -----> here
      return &L->env;

call stack is:

LUA51! lua_remove line 64 + 16 bytes
LUA51! lua_replace line 203 + 12 bytes
LUA51! luaopen_io line 517
init_lua() line 24
WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * 0xc714e38e, HINSTANCE__ * 0x00000000, unsigned short * 0x1a04fe98, int 5) line 46 + 4 bytes
WinMainCRTStartup(HINSTANCE__ *, HINSTANCE__ * 0x00000000, unsigned short * 0x000500a8, int 328352) line 21 + 20 bytes

The platform is WinXP, the compiler is VC6.

Could anybody teach me how to resolve this?
